Sunday June 1st

Opening Ceremony: The Caribbean Insurance Conference (CIC) is known for its extravagant opening ceremonies with all the pageantry that is expected of an international conference. The Ceremony is anticipated and attended by all of the delegates. This event includes a feature address delivered by a distinguished and illustrious speaker.

Cocktail Reception: The Cocktail Reception is the first social event for the Conference. It is an ideal opportunity to network, greet old friends and meet new ones. The objective is to provide an ambience and feeling that will set the tone and mood for the 43rd Annual Conference.

Tuesday June 3rd

Closing Gala: The CIC will be collaborating with the Conference Hotel to provide a Cultural Extravaganza of the host country Panama. This evening will include recognition of sponsors, a Cultural show, Dinner and Dancing. It’s the perfect climax to celebrate the end of conference.

Dinner and Dancing: The Closing Dinner is attended by all conference delegates as well as sponsors and is another excellent opportunity for networking and meeting top executives in both the regional and international insurance industries.

Post Dinner Entertainment: The perfect opportunity to sit back, relax and mingle with colleagues after having enjoyed a successful and enlightening conference.